Dinh:Thesis Overview

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Thesis Project Overview and Progress[edit]

Work flow charts[edit]


Programming works (P)[edit]

P-BisReadMapper - Work on bisulfite reads mapper and analysis pipeline[edit]

P-LD.Block - Work on LD block finder[edit]

P-HapCluster - Work on Haplotype clustering[edit]

Data analysis (A)[edit]

Part 1 Progress: Data quality control[edit]

Part 2 Progress: Bisulfite reads mapping[edit]

Part 3 Progress: Processed bisulfite data storage and documentation[edit]

Part 4 Progress: High level analysis performed[edit]


A-N37 WGBS. Low coverage whole genome BS generated by our lab[edit]

A-Development WGBS. Bing Ren's lab early embryonic development from H1 ESCs[edit]

A-Salk WGBS. Salk's Human Tissues Whole Genome Bisulfite Sequencing[edit]

  • Paper: Not out yet
SampleName Donor Cell types
STL001BL-01 STL001 Bladder cells
STL001FT-01 STL001 Fat cells
STL001GA-01 STL001 Gastric cells
STL001LG-01 STL001 Lung cells
STL001LV-01 STL001 Left ventricle cells
STL001PO-01 STL001 Psoas cells
STL001RV-01 STL001 Right ventricle cells
STL001SB-01 STL001 Small bowel cells
STL001SG-01 STL001 Sigmoid colon cells
STL001SX-01 STL001 Spleen cells
STL001TH-01 STL001 Thymus tissue cells
STL002AD-01 STL002 Adrenal cells
STL002AO-01 STL002 Aorta cells
STL002EG-01 STL002 Esophagus cells
STL002FT-01 STL002 Fat cells
STL002GA-01 STL002 Gastric cells
STL002LG-01 STL002 Lung cells
STL002OV-01 STL002 Ovary tissue cells
STL002PA-01 STL002 Pancreas cells
STL002PO-01 STL002 Psoas cells
STL002SB-01 STL002 Small bowel cells
STL002SX-01 STL002 Spleen cells
STL003AD-01 STL003 Adrenal cells
STL003AO-01 STL003 Aorta cells
STL003EG-01 STL003 Esophagus cells
STL003FT-01 STL003 Fat cells
STL003GA-01 STL003 Gastric cells
STL003LV-01 STL003 Left ventricle cells
STL003PA-01 STL003 Pancreas cells
STL003PO-01 STL003 Psoas cells
STL003RA-01 STL003 Right atrium cells
STL003RV-01 STL003 Right ventricle cells
STL003SB-01 STL003 Small bowel cells
STL003SG-01 STL003 Sigmoid colon cells
STL003SX-01 STL003 Spleen cells
STL011LI-01 STL011 Liver tissue cell

A-BGI. Human peripheral mononuclear cells trio - type 2 diabetes - father, mother, daughter[edit]

A-WB. Human whole blood DNA methylation study - newborn, middle-age, centarian[edit]

Data generation (G)[edit]

Part 1 Progress: Padlock probes capture with HOTSPOTS460K[edit]

Part 2 Progress: Design quality control DNA[edit]

Part 3 Progress: Perform quantification of 5hmC,5mC, and 5fC/5caC on samples[edit]


G-SS. Early definitive endoderm differentiation (Song's 3-days protocol and Sergio's H1 samples)[edit]

Tube ID Sample Concentration (QUBIT, ng/ul)
MA-16 H1 p54 Control TeSR 57.0
MA-17 H1 p54 Activin-A 40.1
AP-13 H1 p47 Control TeSR 85.0
AP-14 H1 p47 BMP-4 49.4
ESCd0.1 Day 0 ESCs 40.3
ESCd0.2 Day 0 ESCs 56.0
ESCd0.3 Day 0 ESCs 86.0
DE-d3.1 Day 3 definitive endoderm 34.0
DE-d3.2 Day 3 definitive endoderm 37.7
DE-d3.3 Day 3 definitive endoderm 25.7
NaiveESC.1 naïve ESCs cells 26.3
NaiveESC.2 naïve ESCs cells 30.0