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Decode and Analysis of CA12k_Nov2014_V4 and V7 test samples[edit]
- Imaging : 4 Positions per sample, 63x, 2k
- 5 cycles
- Matt's Barcode - Gene map : Barcode2GeneKEY
- Matlab version :
- 3 sample dishes -
- (1) S1_V7_012215: Padlock probe concentration 22.86 nM in 100uL Ampligase mix
- (2) S2_V4_012215: Padlock probe concentration 18.67 nM in 100uL Ampligase mix
- (2) S5_V4_012215: Padlock probe concentration 100 nM in 100uL Ampligase mix
- Aligning Failed --> S1_V7_Pos1, S1_V7_Pos4, S5_V4_Pos1, S5_V4_Pos2 --> cannot be analyzed, I'll manually align and proceed analysis later
- Miss-alignment(about 10 px off) --> S2_V4_Pos1, S2_V4_Pos4 --> cannot trust analyzed result, I'll manually align and proceed analysis later
Result : Files[edit]
- Summary : Excel including 3 different analysis result by changing threshold value for '0' signal decision
- --> Summary Table
- Images : AllRolony_Images, Composite_Images
File:CA12k Nov2014 Decode Result Table 2015-01-28.png
- Images : All Rolonies
- S1_V7_012215
File:CA12k Nov2014 Decode Result 2015-01-28 AllRolony S1 V7 012215.png
- S2_V4_012215
File:CA12k Nov2014 Decode Result 2015-01-28 AllRolony S2 V4 012215.png
- S5_V4_012715
File:CA12k Nov2014 Decode Result 2015-01-28 AllRolony S5 V4 012715.png
- Images : Position of Mapped Genes
- S1_V7_012215
File:CA12k Nov2014 Decode Result 2015-01-28 Mapping S1 V7 012215.png
- S2_V4_012215
File:CA12k Nov2014 Decode Result 2015-01-28 Mapping S2 V4 012215.png
- S5_V4_012715
File:CA12k Nov2014 Decode Result 2015-01-28 Mapping S5 V4 012715.png
Matlab code for this analysis[edit]
- Matlab Code for Decoding and Aanalysis : Data_2015-01-28