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Exp. 1 Perform PCR/sequencing on GM20431/GC1F/GC1EP/Hues6 cDNAs[edit]
I've done PCR/sequencing on the PGP1VER2 primer set, and some of the reactions failed in the first round of experiment. I'm repeating the PCR on the failed reactions. I will use primers from the master plate.
PCR tube | Primer | SNP | Template |
1 | A1 | rs1045216 | GC1F |
2 | B1 | rs11264743 | GM20431 |
3 | B1 | rs11264743 | GC1F |
4 | B1 | rs11264743 | GC1EP |
5 | B1 | rs11264743 | Hues6 c |
6 | F1 | rs1869214 | GM20431 |
7 | F1 | rs1869214 | GC1F |
8 | F1 | rs1869214 | GC1EP |
9 | G1 | rs2271504 | GC1F |
10 | G1 | rs2271504 | GC1EP |
11 | A2 | rs2295230 | GM20431 |
12 | A2 | rs2295230 | GC1F |
13 | A2 | rs2295230 | GC1EP |
14 | C2 | rs2861158 | GM20431 |
15 | C2 | rs2861158 | GC1F |
16 | C2 | rs2861158 | GC1EP |
17 | E2 | rs3829655 | GC1F |
18 | E2 | rs3829655 | GC1EP |
19 | E2 | rs3829655 | Hues6 c |
20 | F2 | rs6664 | Hues6 c |
21 | G2 | rs7198 | Hues6 c |
22 | H3 | rs12436 | GM20431 |
23 | H3 | rs12436 | GC1F |
24 | H3 | rs12436 | GC1EP |
One 25x Template 1ul each 10X buffer 5ul 125ul 25mM MgCl2 3ul 75ul 10mM dNTP 1ul 25ul 50X SYBG I 0.4ul 10ul 10uM Primers 1ul each iTaq 0.25ul 6.25ul H2O 38.35ul 960ul
94C 3min -> 40 cycles of (94C 30S -> 58C 30S -> 72C 1min) -> 72C 3min on Chromo4.