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Exp. 1 Prepare sequencing libraries for the CES27k captured SNPs[edit]

PAGE size selection of the 170bp band from all four PCR amplicons did on 01/29/08. The purified DNAs are resuspended in 20ul ddH2O.

Set up 2nd PCR.

     DNA                20ul
     2x Taq Master Mix  50ul
     100uM SolAmpF6.2  0.4ul
     100uM SolAmpR6.2  0.4ul
     50X SYBG I        0.4ul
     H2O                30ul
   94C 2min -> (94C 30sec -> 72C 1min) x 8 -> 72C 3min -> 15C hold. 
   Purified with Qiaquick columns, measure concentration with Nanodrop and check with PAGE gel.