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PAGE purification of padlock oligos[edit]

I received the 36 column synthesized oligos from Bioneer today. They are normalized at the concentration of 100uM. About 90ul each.

I made 1:10 dilution with 1X TE, and measured the concentration of A1, B1, and C1.

    A1: 520ng/ul OD260/280=1.84
    B1: 738ng/ul OD260/280=1.84
    C1: 495ng/ul OD260/280=1.85

Made another 10-fold dilution on the oligos. Pooled the first twenty four 94-mers as Set I and the other twelve 85-mers as Set II.

Perform PAGE purification with 6% TBU gel. 3ul oligo per lane, 12 lanes for Set I, 6 lanes for set II.

 File:2007-11-07 CpG MIP Probes PAEG.png