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Exp.1 PAGE purification of padlock oligos[edit]
I received the 36 CpGMIPv2 oligos. I pooled 20ul of the first 24 oligos into the tube CpGMIPv2L, and 20ul of the remaining 12 oligos into the tube CpGMIPv2S.
I made 1:10 dilution of the two mixtures (10ul into 90ul 1X TE), measure the concentration by Nanodrop.
CpGMIPv2L(10uM): 559ng/ul 3ul oligos + 9ul water + 12ul 2x Loading dye => 2ul per lane CpGMIPv2S(10uM): 459ng/ul 1.5ul oligos + 4.5ul water + 6ul 2x loading dye => 2ul per lane.
Exp.2 Bisulfite conversion of DNA[edit]
I decided to make a fresh batch of DNA since I have an impression that bisulfite converted DNAs are not stable. Resuspend one vial of Bisulfite Mix in 800ul nuclease free water, votex for 5min. Set up reactions:
RL Jurkat DNA 5ul x 2 5ul x 2 Water 15ul x 2 15ul x 2 Bisulfite mix 85ul x 2 85ul x 2 DNA Protection Buffer 35ul x 2 35ul x 2
Perform the bisulfite conversion on PTC-200 using the EpiTect program 99C5min->60C20min->99C5min->60C1h25min->99C5min->60C2h55min->20Chold.
Follow the EpiTect protocol to clean up the bisulphite converted DNAs.