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Exp.1 Perform 2nd round PCR on the PAGE purified 450bp band from the 12/27/07 experiment.[edit]
dNTP dUTP Template: 5ul 5ul 10X PCR buffer: 20ul 20ul 10mM dNTP: 4ul 4ul 1mM dUTP: 0ul 2ul 100uM AmpFSolV6.2 0.8ul 0.8ul 100uM AmpRSolV6.2 0.8ul 0.8ul 50X SYBG I: 0.8ul 0.8ul JumpStart Taq: 4ul 4ul H2O: 160ul 158ul
94C 3min -> (94C 30sec -> 72C 1min) x 12cyc -> 72C 3min -> 15C hold.