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Create the page "Capture cDNA" on this wiki! See also the search results found.
- ===cDNA + RNase continued=== *Added 20ul H20 to each cDNA sample to bring total volume to 100ul320 bytes (51 words) - 17:40, 8 April 2013
- ===cDNA + RNase continued=== *Added 20ul H20 to each cDNA sample to bring total volume to 100ul320 bytes (51 words) - 20:57, 6 April 2013
- #PGP1Lm (264nM): [[Kun:LabNotes/ASE/2008-7-27 | CES22k SNP capture on cDNA produced from PGP1L mRNA]] ...nM): [[Kun:LabNotes/ASE/2008-7-27 | CES22k SNP capture on RNase I digested cDNA produced from PGP1L total RNA]]757 bytes (117 words) - 17:56, 4 August 2008
- ==RNase I digestion on Hues56,59,62 ds-cDNA== ds-cDNA: 5ul 4ul 5ul720 bytes (93 words) - 00:20, 30 July 2008
- ==Design FISSEQ Padlock Probe Set for cDNA== *Design new probe set to target cDNA (- strand) instead of rolonies (+ strand) to skip low efficiency 1st roloni415 bytes (55 words) - 02:55, 18 September 2014
- ==RNase I digestion on PGP1F ds-cDNA== ds-cDNA 4ul 15ul...2 KB (207 words) - 17:59, 12 August 2008
- ==Repeat CES22k capture on ds-cDNA prepared from mRNA and fragmented RNA== ===SNP capture===1 KB (150 words) - 00:47, 29 July 2008
- 5. cDNA cerebellum Ind-5 6. cDNA frontal lobe Ind-62 KB (219 words) - 17:00, 24 August 2010
- ...ding SNPs. The gap size is 18bp. Designed by Athurva to capture 1st strand cDNA.246 bytes (41 words) - 00:38, 29 September 2009
- ==Perform CES22k capture experiment with RNase I digested ds-cDNA== ...s consistent with the presence of a large amount of RNA in the purified ds-cDNA. In this experiment I tried to remove all RNA using RNase I, and compare th2 KB (350 words) - 18:15, 26 July 2008
- Needed to synthesize more cDNA from 1ug total RNA to run 2 sets of probe capture reactions in parallel due to 2 types of primers and not knowing which will ====First Strand cDNA synthesis====2 KB (297 words) - 16:40, 12 March 2013
- Needed to synthesize more cDNA from 1ug total RNA to run 2 sets of probe capture reactions in parallel due to 2 types of primers and not knowing which will ====First Strand cDNA synthesis====2 KB (297 words) - 17:39, 8 April 2013
- ==Normalize DARTFISH Counts with in vitro cDNA Capture== ...att:LabNotes/2015-3-19 | V4]] and [[Matt:LabNotes/2015-4-8 | V7]] in vitro capture reads mapped to reference probelist6 KB (1,035 words) - 02:46, 17 April 2015
- ==Perform CES27k9bp capture experiment== *cDNA: [[Kun:LabNotes/ASE/2008-6-3|oligo dT primed ds-cDNA synthesized on 06/03/08.]]2 KB (247 words) - 19:29, 1 October 2008
- ==Repeat CES22k capture on RNase I treated PGP1L & PGP1K== ===SNP capture===1 KB (168 words) - 17:22, 26 July 2008
- *[[Matt:LabNotes/2015-5-8 | in vitro capture counts]] ===Normalize in vitro Capture and check with RNA-Seq===3 KB (401 words) - 22:15, 18 May 2015
- ==Exp. 2 Perform CES22k eSNP capture on PGP and hybrid samples== |2||GM20431 cDNA (121ng/ul)||0.4ul||1ul||5.4ul||2.2ul3 KB (407 words) - 23:12, 24 November 2007
- *Do linear regression of cDNA probe-captured counts vs gDNA probe-capture counts, probe counts, and transcript counts **The resulting R^2 values indicates how much of the variability in cDNA counts can be attributed to the other variable for each probe5 KB (752 words) - 22:26, 9 September 2013
- | 3||cDNA-0gap||Indx76 | 6||cDNA-20gap||Indx781 KB (172 words) - 21:15, 12 July 2013
- ==Exp. 1 Perform CES22k eSNP capture on PGP samples== |2||GM20431 cDNA (122ng/ul)||1.6ul||1ul||5ul||2.4ul1 KB (178 words) - 23:32, 13 January 2008