Tina:Cell culture

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  • Purpose: To perform long term cell culture with CellASIC ONIX device.

Preculture (without CellASIC):[edit]

1. After cell loading, aspirate solution from wells 1, 6, 7 and 8. Leave bottom holes fill with PBS.

2. Add 350ul culture media to well 1 and 50ul culture media to well 7.

3. Incubate in the incubator as desired time period (overnight ~ 3 days).

Thought: Preculture is a perfusion process which could help to settle cells gently and maintain cell density at the same time.

Cell culture (with CellASIC):[edit]

1. After cell loading (or preculture), aspirate solution from wells 1, 6, 7 and 8. Leave bottom holes filled.

2. Well 2-5 can be used in this step. Empty the wells which are going to be used and add 350ul culture media to it.

3. Seal plate to manifold. And create protocol. For well 2-5, flow rate is around 10ul/hr at 1 psi, which means well 2(3,4,and 5) with 350ul culture media in it would be good for at least 30 hrs. [Note: Do not forget to remove waste from well 7 and 8 periodically! For well 7 and 8, they could hold around 900ul waste in total.]

4. Save, Test, and run protocol.