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#!/usr/bin/perl -w # BismarkAlignment.pl: a perl script to collect the mapping information from bismark. # Run the script to the Bam directory of the bismark # Contact: Shicheng Guo # Version 1.3 use strict; use warnings; use Cwd; my $dir=getcwd; chdir $dir; print "\nenter to directory: $dir\nstarting reading mapping informations....\n"; # _bt2_PE_report.txt # _bt2_SE_report.txt # _bt2_PE_report.txt my @file=glob("*bt2*report.txt"); my $output="mapping.statistic.rlt.txt"; open OUT,">$output"; print OUT "Sample\tN(reads)\tN(mapped)\tP(mapping)\tN(C)\tN(MCPG)\tN(MCHG)\tN(MCHH)\tN(UCPG)\tN(UCHG)\tN(UCHH)\tP(MCPG)\tP(MCHG)\tP(MCHH)\n"; foreach my $file(@file){ open F,$file; my ($sample,undef)=split /_trimmed|_val|.read1_val/,$file; print OUT "$sample\t"; while(<F>){ chomp; print OUT "$1\t" if /Sequence.*analysed in total:\s+(\d+)/i; print OUT "$1\t" if /unique best hit:\s+(\w+)/; print OUT "$1\t" if /from the different alignments:\s+(\w+)/; print OUT "$1\t" if /Mapping efficiency:\s+(\d+.\d*%)/; print OUT "$1\t" if /Total number of C\'s analysed:\s+(\w+)/; print OUT "$1\t" if /Total methylated C\'s in CpG context:\s+(\d+)/; print OUT "$1\t" if /Total methylated C\'s in CHG context:\s+(\d+)/; print OUT "$1\t" if /Total methylated C\'s in CHH context:\s+(\d+)/; print OUT "$1\t" if /Total unmethylated C\'s in CpG context:\s+(\d+)/; print OUT "$1\t" if /Total unmethylated C\'s in CHG context:\s+(\d+)/; print OUT "$1\t" if /Total unmethylated C\'s in CHH context:\s+(\d+)/; print OUT "$1\t" if /C methylated in CpG context:\s+(\d+.\d*%)/; print OUT "$1\t" if /C methylated in CHG context:\s+(\d+.\d*%)/; print OUT "$1\t" if /C methylated in CHH context:\s+(\d+.\d*%)/; } print OUT "\n"; } print "output file were saved in: $output\n\n";