Description of columns for Conserved SNP Lists


(1) Chr Coord - the chromosomal location of the called heterozygous SNP.

(2) Number of Cell Lines in which SNP is Conserved - the count of cell lines that contain this called SNP.

(3) Ref Seq - If the SNP is within [-2kbp,+2kbp] of a Ref Seq gene, the Ref Seq Gebne is shown here. The region of the SNP location and Ref Seq gene name are separated by a colon. If a Ref Seq gene has synonyms, they are listed and separated by a |.

(4) Cell Lines

For Heterozygous SNP Conservsation List:

Each cell line containing this SNP is listed proceeded by a (M). Clicking on the cell line reveals information regarding the SNP call and clicking on the proceeding (M) reveals methylation information about this SNP region. If a SNP site is category IV (i.e. not enough information for ASM analysis) in the respective cell line, clicking on the (M) does nothing. Cell lines for which this SNP is categorized as I or II ASM are in bold.

For Heterozygous SNP Conservsation List:

Each Cell line contaning this SNP is listed. Clicking on the cell line reveals information regarding the SNP call.

*Note: SNPs highlighted in red are heterozygous SNP calls on chromosome X in male cell lines (i.e. false positives).