Description of columns for SNP Call Information

(1) Chr Coord - the chromosomal location of the SNP call.

(2) Strands Used for SNP Call - The read coverage at the SNP site. If strands covered both strands, "ds" is shown. Otherwise, the call is single stranded and thusly marked as "ss".

(3) Best Genotype - The most likely genotype calculated by our SNP calling algorithm.

(4) Log10 Odds First Choice / Second - The log10 odds ratio between the most probable and the second more probable genotypes at this chromosomal location.

(5) The number of reads that mapped to this SNP location.

(6) Second Best Genotype - The second most likely genotype calculated by our SNP calling algorithm.

(7) Log10 Odds Second Choice / Third Choice - The log10 odds ratio between the second most probable genotype and the third most probable genotype at this location.

(8) Third Best Genotype - the third most likely genotype calculated by our SNP calling algorithm.

(9) Log10 Odds Third Choice / Fourth Choice - the log10 odds ratio between the third most probable genotype and the fourth most probable genotype.

*Note: SNPs highlighted in red are heterozygous SNP calls on chromosome X in male cell lines (i.e. false positives).