Alice:Sample Record

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August 14, 2009 (CV gDNA)

  • received genomic DNA samples extracted from Craig Venter's skin fibroblast cells and its iPSCs:
Sample ID concentration (ng/ul) Note
ips line 1st elution 314
ips line 2nd elution 127 (took out 30ul + 30ul ddH2O: 68ng/ul)
fibroblast 1st elution 578
fibroblast 2nd elution 476.8 (took out 30ul + 30ul ddH2O: 272.9ng/ul)

January 27, 2010 (PGP1F cultured cell)

  • received 9 tubes of PGP1F cell pellet (100,000 cells each) from:
    • Jay Lee
    • WYSS Institute for Bio INS ENG
    • 4 Blackfan Cir HIM 1040
    • Boston, MA 02115-5713

February 11 , 2010 (CVF gDNA from Goldstein lab)

  • picked up one tube of CVF (labeled as CVB, passage 13 fibroblast, 0.19ug/ul, ~100ul) from Jessica Young (Goldstein lab) in Leitchtag building

February 11, 2010 (gDNA from Eggan lab)

  • received 8 gDNA samples and 1 cell pellet from:
    • Evangelos Kiskinis
    • Harvard University
    • 7 Divinity Avenue
    • Fairchild Biochemistry, Eggan Lab
    • Cambridge, MA 02138
cell type Patient # Line Age/sex genotype Reprograming factor Passage # DNA (ng/ul)
hFib 17 17 71/F WT - 7 2000
ips 17 17a 71/F WT OCt4/Sox2/Klf4 20 447
ips 17 17b 71/F WT OCt4/Sox2/Klf4 23 2600
hFib 11 11 36/M WT - 7 2000
ips 11 11a 36/M WT OCt4/Sox2/Klf4 24 1037
ips 11 11b 36/M WT OCt4/Sox2/Klf4 20 1612
hFib 29 29 29/F SOD1L144F - 8 400
ips 29 29e 29/F SOD1L144F OCt4/Sox2/Klf4 21 cell pellet
ips 29 29A 29/F SOD1L144F Oct4/Sox2/Klf4/cMYC 36 1200
  • preformed DNA extraction on ips 29e p21 [2-15-2010]

February 26, 2010 (sequencing libraries from Georgia)

  • The samples were sent on 2/25/2010 through Fedex from:
    • Lynda Abernathy-Shi Lab
    • Medical College of Georgia
    • 1120 15th Street
    • Augusta, GA 30912
Sample ID Size concentration (ng/ul) Total Volume (ul)
EJ644 250-350bp 10 18
EJ645 250-350bp 10 15
EJ656 250-350bp 3.6 17
EJ657 250-350bp 3.2 20

March 2, 2010 (gDNA from Harvard)

  • received two tubes of sample from Jay Lee (Harvard):
    • CD1 PGP1 ips P16: 399ng/ul x 200ul
    • PGP1F 80 gDNA: 299ng/ul x 200ul

March 4, 2010 (gDNA from Vanderbilt)

  • received 10 samples from Vanderbilt Med Center:
    • Joy Cogan, 615-322-7601
    • Vanderbilt Med Center
    • Div Medical Genetics DD2205 MCN
    • Nashville, TN 37232
  • 3/3/2010 Vanderbilt IPF familial DNA samples
ID # ng/ul 260/280 260/230 volume per tube
IPF 56JW525 65 1.86 1.38 80
IPF 56WW608 60 1.9 1.66 100
IPF 121BP1349 105 1.93 1.13 55
IPF 121DB1353 148 1.89 1.47 40
IPF 125DC1384 67 1.91 1.18 75
IPF 125GA1382 107 1.91 1.49 47
IPF 134GH1580 73 2.03 0.83 75
IPF 134LM1450 68 1.93 1.2 80
IPF 139JS1477 92 1.3 1.04 55
IPF 139TD1515 51 2.01 0.73 120

March 30, 2010 (more CV gDNA)

  • received 4 tubes of CV samples from Jessica Young(Goldstein lab): CV1, CV2, CV3, CV4

May 4, 2010 (gDNA from Salk)

Sergio Ruiz Macías, PhD
Gene Expression Lab (GEL-B)
Stem Cell Facility
The Salk Institute For Biological Studies
10010 North Torrey Pines Road
92037 La Jolla, CA, USA
Tel. 858-453-4100, ext 1324
Fibroblast couple concentration (ug/ul) volume (ul) passage number
HFF XF (Human Foreskin fibroblast Xeno free) 0.2 50 9
FiPS 3F #1 0.178 56 24
keratinocyte couple
Keratinocyte MMTA (human foreskin keratinocytes MMTA) 0.5 20 5
KiPS 4F #8 0.42 23.8 28
human astrocytes 0.36 90 12
ASTiPS4F-4 0.51 90 10
ASTiPS4F-5 0.71 90 10
Human HUVEC 1.12 90 2
HUViPS4F-1 1.03 90 10
HUViPS4F-3 0.47 90 15
  • genomic DNA was extracted using the QIAmp DNA Mini and Blood Extraction Kit from Qiagen. DNA is resuspended in AE buffer (10mM Tris Cl; 0.5mM EDTA)
  • priority:
    • Keratinocyte MMTA and KiPS 4F #8
      • Human HUVEC, HUViPS4F-1, HUViPS4F-3
        • HFF XF, FiPS 3F #1
          • human astrocytes, ASTiPS4F-4, ASTiPS4F-5

    • NOTE:
    • HUVEC samples had very low concentration after shearing and end-repair reactions. Thus we suspect the DNA concentration that Sergio has given might not be accurate, and we measured the concentration again with Nanodrop and Qubit.
Sample ID Nanodrop result (ng/ul) Qubit result (ng/ul) Average (ng/ul)
HUVEC 46.4 27.7 37.05
HUV ips4F1 79.5 54 66.75
HUV ips4F3 34.4 25.9 30.15
  • Measured the concentration of Astrocyte sets again, because the library construction results seemed to be problematic (see labnotes 8-7-2010)
Sample ID concentration (ng/ul)
Ast 23
Ast iPS 4F4 37.4
Ast iPS 4F5 51

June 14, 2010 (more gDNA from Salk)

  • cells were reprogrammed and collected by Sergio Ruiz Macías, PhD
  • more HUVEC samples:
    • green = remaining gDNA from the last batch (same passage #, etc.)
    • blue = newly cultured cells from HUVEC lines (more passage #)

June 15, 2010 (cell pelletes from Wisconsin)

  • received two cell pelletes that was prepared by Jessica E. Antosiewicz-Bourget
FedEx copy: 
Mitch Probasco
Biotech Center
425 Henry Mall
Madison, WI 53706
phone: 6088900175
    • DF19.11b p34 ~10^7 cells (06-07-10)
    • ips4.7 p36 ~10^7 cells (06-11-10)

June 16, 2010 (sheared gDNA from Daley lab)

  • input DNA amount was 3ug
    • dHiF, ips dHif#8, ips dHif#9
    • H9 ES, BG01 ES

June 23, 2010 (cell pellete from Daley lab)

Philip Manos
Children's Hospital / Stem Cell Program
1 Blackfan Cir
Boston; MA 02115-5713
  • CF Fib
  • CF Rips 1.4
  • CF Rips 1.9

  • BJ1 1.1
  • BJ1-Rips 1.2; p5 3/30
  • BJ1 Fibro
  • BJ Fibro

June 25, 2010 (more cell pellete from Daley lab)

  • two more tubes of CF Fib cell pelletes since the DNA extraction yield was very low last time
    • The yield for one of the tube for this batch is still very low (smiliar to the results from last time, for detailed information, please check out [labnote]

June 25, 2010 (gDNA from Jay Lee)

  • five tubes of gDNA for Sanger confirmation (500ng each)
  • dHif Fib
  • dHif ips 8
  • dHif ips 9
  • H9 ES
  • BG01 ES

June 29, 2010 (more gDNA from Salk, samples were shipped from Barcelona)

sample ID Passage # amount of DNA total concentration Note
HNSC 13.4ug 66.99ng/ul Human Neural Stem cells
hNips2F 23 53.6ug 26875ng/ul grown on matrigel; Couple Neural stem cells/hNiPS
hFips 4F-7 9 31.2ug 156.37ng/ul grown on matrigel; another line made from the HFF xF fibroblast
hKips 3F-7 24 10ug 32.84ng/ul grown on matrigel; another line made from the human foreskin keratinocytes MMTA

July 1, 2010 (gDNA from Daley and Jay Lee)

  • H1 p39 (500ng of gDNA and 3ug of sheared gDNA for library construction)
  • PGP1F 8 gDNA ~25ug total

July 13, 2010 (gDNA for CV Fib colonal lines from Jessica, Goldstein lab)

Sample ID concentration (ng/ul) Note
CV9 41 (95ul DNA total)
CV10 67.5 (90ul DNA total)
CV11 32.9 (95ul DNA total)
CV12 56.5 (90ul DNA total)
CV13 12.8 (48ul DNA total)

October 24, 2010 (cell pellete from TongBiao Zhao, Xu Lab)

HFF P5      (two tubes, each with ~1 million cells)
38H1C 6 P10 (two tubes, each with ~ half million cells)

November 1, 2010 (more gDNA from Salk, Belmonte group)

  • received 7 samples from Sergio, measured the concentration of these 7 samples with Nanodrop (blanked with AE)
Sample concentration (ng/ul)
FiPS F-2 P40 75.6
FiPS F-2 P9 109.6
FiPS 4F5 P44 90.5
FiPS 4F5 P15 94.8
Plvthm Rb4-D P10 45.6
Plvtuhm Rb4-5 P10 119.1
IMR90 P4 36.2

November 12, 2010 (gDNA from Salk)

  • received 5 tubes of sample from Sergio (added 50ul of ddH2O to the first four tubes below to get higher volume for easier pipetting purpose, then measured their concentration with Nanodrop)
Sample ID concentration
MSCiPS #8 P14 105.4ng/ul
MSCiPS #4 P14 181.4ng/ul
1F iPS 28.6ng/ul
KiPS3F7 P29 43ng/ul
aMSCs p7 184.8ng/ul

November 22, 2010 (gDNA from Salk)

Sample Total DNA amount
Olf MSC* 19µg
CD34+ hematopoietic progenitors from Olf MSC 4.5µg
Kips+ 12.6µg
CD34+ hematopoietic progenitors from Kips 4.1µg
  • received additional tube of Ast4F4 from Sergio on 11-23-2010 to do mutation validation on this line again

December 7, 2010 (gDNA from UPenn-----methylome)

  • received 48 African genomic DNA samples for DMR capture from
Tishkoff Lab - Dept of Genetics
University of Pennsylvania
430 Clinical Research Building
415 Curie Blvd
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6145
LabID 1M sample # ' ' ' 15ug vol ng 80ng/ul total Vol ul Diluant Vol ul ' Well Volume ul Conc ng/ul approx
CAPB016 76.00 187.5 111.5 A01 50 100
CAPB046 92.00 187.5 95.5 B01 50 100
CAPB056a 71.00 187.5 116.5 C01 50 100
CAPL056 78.00 187.5 109.5 D01 50 100
CAPM007 94.00 187.5 93.5 E01 50 100
TZHZ018A 160.00 187.5 27.5 F01 50 100
TZHZ033B 128.00 187.5 59.5 G01 50 100
TZHZ075A 257.00 187.5 -69.5 H01 50 100
TZHZ214 133.00 187.5 54.5 A02 50 100
TZHZ221B 154.00 187.5 33.5 B02 50 100
TZSW067 224.00 187.5 -36.5 C02 50 100
TZSW128B 103.00 187.5 84.5 D02 50 100
TZSW131A 123.00 187.5 64.5 E02 50 100
TZSW132B 259.00 187.5 -71.5 F02 50 100
TZSW135B 321.00 187.5 -133.5 G02 50 100
CAMF013A 156.7 125 0 H02 50 100
CAFU043 89.3 125 35.7 A03 50 100
CAFU042 113.6 125 11.4 B03 50 100
CAFU028 93.8 125 31.2 C03 50 100
CAMF022A 94.3 125 30.7 D03 50 100
CAPB043 41.8 125 83.2 E03 50 100
CAPL049 91.5 125 33.5 F03 50 100
CAPM001A 89.8 125 35.2 G03 50 100
CAPL036 126.1 125 0 H03 50 100
KEBR007A 124 125 1 A04 50 100
KEBR028A 78.5 125 46.5 B04 50 100
KEBR042B 190.8 125 0 C04 50 100
KEBR040A 184.7 125 0 D04 50 100
KEBR061A 55.6 125 69.4 E04 50 100
KEPK003A 102 125 23 F04 50 100
KEPK006A 80.6 125 44.4 G04 50 100
KEPK007A 130.4 125 0 H04 50 100
KEPK010A 82.4 125 42.6 A05 50 100
KEPK016A 112.8 125 12.2 B05 50 100
CAPM047 son 120.2 C05 50 100
CAPM003A parent 237.8 D05 50 100
CAPM004A parent 139 E05 50 100
CAPM056A daughter 196.2 F05 50 100
ETAM042 M Yes No Yes 17.4 G05 50 100
ETAM071 M Yes No Yes 17.4 H05 50 100
ETAM077 M Yes No Yes 17.4 A06 50 100
ETAM058 M Yes No Yes 17.9 B06 50 100
ETAM065 M Yes No Yes 17.9 C06 50 100
ETSB027 19 M Yes Yes Yes NA E06 50 100
ETSB035 19 M Yes Yes Yes HEADACHE G06 50 100
ETSB036 20 F Yes Yes Yes NA H06 50 100

December 10, 2010 (gDNA from Johns Hopkins-----methylome)

  • recevied 48 genomic DNA samples for DMR capture from
Fedex Label:
Eirikur Briem
Johns Hopkins University
855 N. Wolfe Stree
Rangos, 580.14
Baltimore, MD 21205
Final Volume (uL) Final_Conc (ng/uL) Sample_ID Kun_Well
50 30 395 G3
50 30 970 H4
50 30 12 A1
50 30 258 F2
50 30 299 A3
50 30 335 C3
50 30 440 A5
50 30 503 E5
50 30 736 G6
50 30 895 F4
50 30 84 E1
50 30 198 H1
50 30 203 B2
50 30 368 E3
50 30 388 F3
50 30 436 H3
50 30 524 F5
50 30 686 F6
50 30 48 C1
50 30 85 F1
50 30 107 G1
50 30 253 D2
50 30 467 D5
50 30 569 H5
50 30 850 B4
50 30 894 E4
30 50 893 D4
30 50 659 E6
30 50 538 G5
30 50 967 G4
30 50 304 B3
30 50 256 E2
30 50 42 B1
30 50 77 D1
30 50 201 A2
30 50 222 C2
30 50 280 G2
30 50 282 H2
30 50 362 D3
30 50 445 B5
30 50 455 C5
30 50 572 A6
30 50 607 B6
30 50 619 C6
30 50 621 D6
30 50 743 H6
30 50 791 A4
30 50 881 C4

January 7, 2011 (cell pelletes from TongBiao, Xu Lab)

  • 3 cell pelletes were received (1-3 million cells each)
    • 2HFF P6
    • 2HFF 8d-10
    • 2HFF 7-10 3M

January 26, 2011 (mouse cell pelletes from TongBiao, Xu Lab)

  • 3 cell pelletes were received (1-3 million cells each)
    • 1E12 P20 (1.5 million cells collected)
    • 2eiPS 2-p3 (12-7-2009; 2 million cells collected)---very low yield after DNA extraction
    • B6-MEF P0-3 (3 million cells collected)
NOTE: Picked up another batch of sample for 2eiPS 2-p5 (12-10-2009) on 1/31/2011; 
Previous sample 2eiPS 2-P3 had very little yield after DNA extraction (see labnote 1-28-2011), 
possibly because small amount of cells were collected

March 9, 2011 (gDNA from Sergio, SALK Belmonte Lab)

e7 A#1:  1239.5ng/ul
e7 B#1:  1291.2ng/ul
e7 5#4:  981.9ng/ul
HFF1013: 709ng/ul

Detailed sample information from Sergio:
Sample 1: A#1 Flag-Oct4-HASox2-Klf4-cMyc (OS-KM)
Sample 4: B#1 FlagOct4vP16-HASox2-Klf4 –cMyc (OvP16S-KM)
Sample 9: 5#4 FlagOct4vP16-HASox2 (OvP16Sox2)
Sample 14: 10/03 starting population

March 10, 2011 (cell pelletes from GuangHui, SALK Belmonte Lab)

~1 million cells were collected per sample
DNA extraction done on 3/10/2011 with Noi, elute in 300ul AE:
HGPS:    75.7 ng/ul
cHGPS1:  57.1ng/ul
cHGPS40: 100.2ng/ul
AWS:     42.2ng/ul
cAWS1:   130ng/ul

NOTE: second batch of sample HGPS (~1 million cells collected) is received on March 31, 2011

  • Because the sequencing results and repeated library construction didn't work for the first batch, therefore Guanghui dropped off the second batch instead

May 16, 2011 (gDNA from Sergio, SALK Belmonte lab)

Sample 3: e7 A#4 (OS-KM)
Sample 5: e7 B#2 (OvP16S-KM)
Sample 11: e7 5#9 (OvP16Sox2)
The progenitor cell line for these iPS cells was received on 3/9/2011 (HFF1013)

May 27, 2011 (gDNA from NYSCF)

  • Daniel Paull
  • New York Stem Cell Foundation
  • 3960 Broadway, room 450D
  • New York, NY 10032
Tube Number 	Sample Name (Passage Number) 	Volume 	Amount of DNA
   1             	H2 (P9) 	        8.1 µl 	5 µg
   2 	        H2 Oocyte Donor DNA (N/A) 	44 µl 	5 µg
   3 	        1016A iPS (P8) 	                9 µl 	5 µg
   4 	        1016 Somatic Cell (P10) 	45 µl	4.7 µg
   5 	        pES1 (P8) 	                5.6 µl 	5 µg
   6 	        1034B iPS (P6)            	7.1 µl 	5 µg

June 3, 2011 (cell pellet from Yang Xu lab)

  • Tongbiao dropped off six samples
218HFF P7
DF 4-1-37
DF 4-1-48
218 HFF2-11

June 10, 2011 (gDNA from Goldstein Lab)

  • Picked up 8 samples from Jessica Young
CVB P14 mix: 179ng/ul
CVB 1.7:      83ng/ul
CVB 1.8:      50ng/ul
CVB 1.9:    93.2ng/ul
CVI P14 mix: 141.4ng/ul
CVI 1.13:      125ng/ul
CVI 1.14:      129ng/ul
CVI 1.15:     84.2ng/ul

August 16, 2011 (mouse gDNA from PKU, China)

  • Dr. Zhang brought back 5 mouse gDNA samples with 180ul each (mouse ES lines reprogrammed by somatic nuclear transfer)
B6(1)MEF P3: 171.8ng/ul
B6(2)MEF P3:  94.6ng/ul
ntES A P8:   321.7ng/ul
ntES B P8:   313.8ng/ul
ntES C P7:   237.7ng/ul

=August 22, 2011 (gDNA from Goldstein lab)

  • Athurva picked up 4 Hues9 samples from Goldstein lab
Hues 9 1.7:   186.6ng/ul 
Hues 9 1.8:   138.1ng/ul
Hues 9 1.9:   106.5ng/ul
Hues 9 mixed: 104.4ng/ul (note: 260/280 ratio is 1.69)