Extract CpG site within above regions
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#!/usr/bin/perl -w #Should disable buffering of STDOUT #Usage: #getSite4methylfreq8bed.pl SampleList [bedFile/NA] [outPutFile] #this script is suit for the new style methylFreq files (Walson and Crick Chain Seperation) use strict; #use Statistics::Descriptive; if(!$ARGV[0]){ print "\nUsage:\n"; print "getSite4methylfreq8bed.pl SampleList [bedFile/NA] [outPutFile]\n"; print "\n[Note]: This script is used to find CpG site from methylFreq files within bedFile regions\n"; print "[methylFreq file Format]: each site should have context either CG, CHG, or CHH.\n[Example]: chr1\t123462\t[C|W]\t3\tCG\tC\t2\tT\t4\n"; print "[BedFile]: file for the CpG regions, such as chr1:28400349-28401349\n"; print "[contact]: Written by Dinh, Modified by Shicheng\n"; print "[version]: Oct/5/2015\n"; exit 0; } $| = 1; my %cpgSites; my $SampleList=$ARGV[0] if($ARGV[0]) || die "Please set sample list file name!\n"; my $bedFile=$ARGV[1] if($ARGV[1]) || die "Please set bed file name!\n"; my $outPutFile=$ARGV[2] if($ARGV[2]) || die "Please set output file name!\n"; open IN1, $bedFile; my @bedRegions=<IN1>; close(IN1); open IN2, $SampleList; my (@SampleList,@fileList); while(<IN2>){ chomp; my ($sam,$file)=split /\t/; push(@SampleList,$sam); push(@fileList,$file); } close(IN2); foreach my $methylFile(@fileList){ print "$methylFile is on the way...\n"; open IN3, $methylFile|| die "can't open $methylFile\n"; while(<IN3>){ chomp; my ($chr,$pos,undef)=split /\t/; my $target="$chr:$pos"; $cpgSites{$target}="$chr\t$pos\n"; } close(IN3); } open OUT,">$outPutFile"; foreach my $bedRegion(@bedRegions){ my ($chr1,$start1,$end1)=split/[:|-]/,$bedRegion; foreach my $target(sort keys %cpgSites){ my ($chr,$pos,undef)=split /\t/,$cpgSites{$target}; if($chr eq $chr1 && $pos<$end1 && $pos>=$start1){ print OUT "$target\n"; } } }