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#!/usr/bin/perl -w # A perl script to merge bismark cov file by SRX list. # Contact: # Version 1.3 # Go to # Select SRS and Click Related RUNS then get the Table as the input # Run the script in the fold of coverage files created by bismark alignmetor. use strict; use warnings; use Cwd; my $file=shift @ARGV; my %SRA; open F,$file; while(<F>){ chomp; if(/(SRR\d+)/){ my $SRR=$1; if(/(SRX\d+)/){ my $SRX=$1; print "$SRR\t$SRX\n"; push @{$SRA{$SRX}},$SRR; } } } my @cov=glob("*.cov"); my %mf; foreach my $SRX(sort keys %SRA){ foreach my $SRR (@{$SRA{$SRX}}){ foreach my $cov(@cov){ if($cov=~/$SRR/){ system("cat $cov >> $SRX.bedgraph"); print "$SRR reading completed!\n"; } } } } foreach my $SRX(sort keys %SRA){ open OUT, ">$SRX.pbs"; print OUT "#!/bin/csh\n"; print OUT "#PBS -N $SRX\n"; print OUT "#PBS -q hotel\n"; print OUT "#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=1\n"; print OUT "#PBS -l walltime=168:00:00\n"; print OUT "#PBS -o $SRX.log\n"; print OUT "#PBS -e $SRX.err\n"; print OUT "#PBS -V\n"; print OUT "#PBS -M shicheng.guo\ \n"; print OUT "#PBS -m abe\n"; print OUT "#PBS -A k4zhang-group\n"; print OUT "cd \$PBS_O_WORKDIR\n"; print OUT "perl ~/bin/ $SRX.bedgraph > $SRX.unique.bedgraph\n"; system("qsub $SRX.pbs"); }