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#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use Cwd; # Filter out cancer-associated haplotype without existed in normal plasma and normal tissues # Contact: Shicheng Guo # Version 1.3 # Update: 2016-11-22 my %sam; my %hapinfo; my %loc; my %hap; my %cpg; die &USAGE if scalar @ARGV<4; my $ct=shift @ARGV; my $cp=shift @ARGV; my $excl=shift @ARGV; my $out=shift @ARGV; # Test Hapinfo File # my $ct="test1.txt"; # my $cp="test2.txt"; # my $out="rlt1.txt"; my ($ct_sam,undef)=split/\./,$ct; # Should be keep consistent with Line 26: my ($sam,undef)=split/\./,$file; my ($cp_sam,undef)=split/\./,$cp; # Should be keep consistent with Line 26: my ($sam,undef)=split/\./,$file; # my @file=glob("*.hapInfo.txt"); open F2,$excl; my @file; push (@file,$ct); push (@file,$cp); while(<F2>){ chomp; my($exclFile,undef)=split/\s+/; push (@file,$exclFile); } foreach my $file(@file){ my ($sam,undef)=split/\./,$file; open F,$file; print "$file\n"; while(<F>){ chomp; next if /^\s+$/; my ($loc,$haptype,$count,$cpg)=split /\s+/; my $C_number = () = $haptype =~ /C/gi; if($C_number>=2){ # Criteron of HMH(High methylation Haplotype), Here at least two methylated C in the haplotype $hapinfo{$loc}{$cpg}{$haptype}{$sam}=$count; $loc{$loc}=$loc; $cpg{$cpg}=$cpg; $hap{$haptype}=$haptype; $sam{$sam}=$sam; } } } open OUT,">$out.txt"; my @sam=sort keys %sam; my $header=join("\t",@sam); print OUT "LOC\tCpG\tHapType\tT1\tT2\t$header\n"; foreach my $loc(sort keys %hapinfo){ # reformed hapinfo(hapsplit and hapmerge, from 1,i,i+1,n) my %Hapinfo; foreach my $cpg(sort keys %{$hapinfo{$loc}}){ foreach my $hap(sort keys %{$hapinfo{$loc}{$cpg}}){ my @cpg=split/,/,$cpg; my $i=0; while($i<$#cpg){ my $j=$i+1; while($j<=$#cpg-$i+1){ my $string_hap=substr($hap,$i,$j); my $string_cpg=join(",",@cpg[$i..($i+$j-1)]); foreach my $sam(sort keys %sam){ if($hapinfo{$loc}{$cpg}{$hap}{$sam}){ $Hapinfo{$loc}{$cpg}{$hap}{$sam}+=$hapinfo{$loc}{$cpg}{$hap}{$sam}; } } $j++; } $i++; } } } foreach my $loc(sort keys %Hapinfo){ foreach my $cpg(sort keys %{$Hapinfo{$loc}}){ foreach my $hap(sort keys %{$Hapinfo{$loc}{$cpg}}){ next if(! exists $Hapinfo{$loc}{$cpg}{$hap}{$ct_sam} || ! exists $Hapinfo{$loc}{$cpg}{$hap}{$cp_sam} || $Hapinfo{$loc}{$cpg}{$hap}{$ct_sam}<=1 || $Hapinfo{$loc}{$cpg}{$hap}{$cp_sam}<=1); # Criteron of Minimum HMH in the Target Samples. print OUT "$loc\t$cpg\t$hap\t$ct\t$cp"; foreach my $sam(sort keys %sam){ if(! exists $Hapinfo{$loc}{$cpg}{$hap}{$sam}){ print OUT "\t0"; }else{ print OUT "\t$Hapinfo{$loc}{$cpg}{$hap}{$sam}"; } } print OUT "\n"; } } } } sub USAGE{ print "Usage: perl $0 M-Primary-Hapinfo M-Plasma-Hapinfo ExcludeDataBase-Hapinfo OutputFileName\n"; print "Status Screening for (Shared HMH:High Methylation Haplotype by Tissue and Plam) in Other Tissues\n"; print "Move All Hapinfo Files into One Folder and assign Matched Tissue and Plasma\n"; print ' Format For: M-Primary-Hapinfo and M-Plasma-Hapinfo: chr1:100231312-100231328 CCT 1 100231316,100231324,100231328 chr1:100231312-100231328 CC 1 100231324,100231328 chr1:100231312-100231328 CCCC 4 100231312,100231316,100231324,100231328 chr1:100231312-100231328 CCC 1 100231316,100231324,100231328 chr1:100231312-100231328 CCCC 2 100231312,100231316,100231324,100231328 chr1:100231312-100231328 TTT 1 100231316,100231324,100231328 chr1:100231312-100231328 TT 1 100231324,100231328 chr1:100231312-100231328 T 2 100231312 chr1:100231312-100231328 CC 2 100231324,100231328 chr1:100231312-100231328 TTTT 4 100231312,100231316,100231324,100231328 chr1:100231312-100231328 C 1 100231328 '; print ' Format For: ExcludeDataBase-Hapinfo: Hapinfo File List to Excluded: STL001BL-01.hapInfo.txt STL001FT-01.hapInfo.txt STL001GA-01.hapInfo.txt STL001LG-01.hapInfo.txt STL001LV-01.hapInfo.txt STL001PO-01.hapInfo.txt STL001RV-01.hapInfo.txt STL001SB-01.hapInfo.txt STL001SG-01.hapInfo.txt STL001SX-01.hapInfo.txt '; }